Wednesday, June 26, 2013

So, This is Me..

Hi online world,

So, this is my first go at a blog! I'm just a twelve-year-old heart stuck in a 21-year-old body. And I say that because when I like something, I LOVE it, like so much that it entirely consumes my mind and I want to talk about it all the time, and all of my co-workers say, "you're twelve". But I've come to realize that there are a lot of fanatics out there like me, some boys but let's be real it's mostly girls (but if you're a boy and you're reading this and openly obsess over things then I already have a crush on you).
So the point of my blog is to write about and discuss things that I love so much it hurts. On this blog you'll probably see a lot about alternative music (but sometimes my pop side will show), TV shows and movies, superheroes, HARRY POTTER, maybe a little bit about clothes...anything that lots of people are a fan of and sometimes it starts to feel like a problem!
Oh yeah, and I love the Lakers. Actually hold on, I don't know if there's a word powerful enough for my feelings on the Lakers, but "love" is the closest I can get. Kobe. Kobe. Kobe. No I'm not even gonna start right now! The Lakers basically control my entire life, so I'm gonna try to spend more time on everything else and less on them in this space...but even while I'm trying, I'm sure little pieces on the Lakers will appear fairly often. So beware. If you're prepared to assault my team via social media then prepare for the She-Hulk known as ME as well.

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