Thursday, June 27, 2013

It's All About the Style!

I love, love, love, defining my style. I fall heavily into the stereotype of young women shoppers when it comes to fashion...I enjoy it so much! I the only one who actually feels jealousy creep into my stomach and then dissolve any other emotion I'm possible of feeling when I see how adorable celebrities get to look all of the time?? (well, let's be real, some of them must be blind or just plain out obnoxious, but I'm not gonna go into a fashion roast right now)
I really love it when famous females I love know what they're doing when it comes to their wardrobe. I think it actually makes me love them more. Even though I'm incredibly jealous.
But these four ladies know what they're doing in the fashion world, and I think they deserve yet another shout out:

Taylor Swift 
Taylor and I have a love/hate relationship. I'm getting a little sick of the "every boy screws me over" victim act and I'll always choose Harry Styles over her, but her fashion will always make me respect her. Like, dang girl, I'm ashamed of the things I would do for your dress collection. 
 Remember that one time she went to the Grammy Awards in 2013? I thought she was a Greek Goddess from heaven (and then she changed and took a metaphorical swing at Harry Styles...back to reality).
Ummm...are you kidding me? I've tried this look, this long sweater with a skirt and "oh I'm not even trying I just so happen to look like a #1 stunna" look...but I just end up looking homeless. You go Taylor.

Demi Lovato 
Demi's my girl. Well in my head. I went to the X-Factor season finale when she wore this amazing dress and I could not stop staring at her. I love everything about her style...she's daring with her hair yet it always works, her nails are on point, I actually need all of her outfits, and she has curves I can actually relate to so when I see her attire I can actually draw inspiration from it.
I won't pretend like I didn't steal this look. I love the maxi skirt with a crop top. And dark with some color. A+ girl.
Soooo many sequins!! So sparkly!! Demi's outfits on stage make me wish I was a famous singer like straight up. I want to rock her same exact look on a stage. I hope she feels like a hot piece of ass, cause she looks like one! Wait she is one!

Florence Welch 
 I know Florence wears a lot of crazy things, but most of the time she looks like a combination of a witch and an elf straight out of Rivendale. I wish I was either a witch or an elf, preferably from Rivendale, so I love her dresses. I'm also slightly bias because I believe Florence Welch to be the best female singer the universe has ever held. She's an angel. Or a witch or an elf.
 Females that can pull off hats...I'll always envy you.
That one time the Little Mermaid grew up, got really sexy and unique, and became a human that instead of losing her voice received the best vocals heaven could offer. Also, if anyone knows what kind of lipstick she's wearing, help a sister out.

Holland Roden 
 As I've mentioned before, sometimes being a fan of Holland Roden is hard for me because I just start wishing I was her. Her eye makeup. Her hair. HER LIPS. HER DRESS. HER. HOLLAND RODEN.   Her dress is so pretty I could cry.
 How is this so simple yet so amazing?? How Holland, how did you even think of this getup? Share with me the secrets of fashionista perfection!
I wish I looked this fly while getting coffee. Oh and that's a great bag. Just get out Holland. Stop it.

So I was gonna write about five style icons, but these are my solid four...anyone else know any bomb fashionistas out there in the land of Hollywood? Comment, or e-mail me :) Or let me know on twitter

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Lovable Cast of Teen Wolf

My latest TV show obsession is most definitely Teen Wolf.

I've actually always really loved this show. But I finally got some of my friends hooked too, which made me kind of re-fall in love with it since now I finally have people to discuss the episodes with. It's true, season one is a little bit cheesy, but in a good way. By the end of season one you'll love the main characters. By the end of season two you'll realize that the plot is actually really interesting as well, and the overall content of the show has developed from an okay plot with some serious eye candy to a story that you want to see more of with a cast that you actually love, both for their looks and personality. Season three brings in the "I need to hook up with [insert favorite character's real name] ASAP and I need Scott and all of his friends to be safe from these crazy Alphas and mystery murderer...HELP ME!"

But I think the reason I really love this show is because every character has a trait that they convey to the screen so perfectly that you really love them, because of this given trait. So, to all you Teen Wolf fans out there, here are the characteristics that I think define and perfect each character. Please let me know what you think, whether you agree, disagree, or have a different title for the characters, and we'll talk about it!!

Scott: The Sweetheart 
He kisses his mother goodbye, he is more often than not the victim of Stiles' sarcasm but accepts it as any best friend should, he will always have a giant soft spot for Allison, and he helps Derek find Eric & Boyd because it's the right thing to do. If only there were really men like Scott. I'd let him be my Alpha in about a second.

Stiles: The Comedy 
Now this is what I call adorkable. In between helping the werewolf community Stiles is a dependable giggle-maker through his sarcasm, bromances with Scott and Derek, and awkward/heartwarming attempts to win over Lydia. I never thought the day would come where I could compare a character to The OC's Seth Cohen...but ladies and gentlemen, the day is here. If you miss Seth, watch Stiles.

Allison: The Good Girl Gone Badass (but still good) 

What's better than dating a werewolf? Oh that's right, dating a werewolf and being able to fend off whatever mythical creature comes your way all by yourself. I love, love, Allison because her and Scott's relationship in no way involves Scott taking care of her. AND THAT ROCKS SO MUCH! Allison can use a bow as well as Legolas and Katniss. She actually seems like the sweetest girl on planet Earth, which is weird since she once in a miscommunication stabbed one of my favorites, but somehow she makes it all work.

Lydia: The Sassy Genius 
Here's the thing about Lydia that sometimes gets to me: I actually wish I was her. She is so sassy and sometimes comes off as self-absorbed, but we all know she truly does care about her friends. She's also a total brainiac and pulls it off like it's no big deal. The poor girl is always dealing with some sort of psychotic break, but instead of letting her crazy moments define her she uses that high school as a damn catwalk. She also happens to be my fashion icon both on and off screen, everything she wears is just golden.

Derek Hale: The Bad Boy 
....what was I saying? Tyler Hoechlin? Oh, I mean, his character Derek Hale? Oh yeah how he was pressed up against me in my dream last night..? And then we---
Oh dang don't let me lose track here! So, Derek's my favorite. The brooding bad boy. Yum. But he doesn't have a family, Scott doesn't want to be in his pack, his uncle is psychotic, not to mention his he makes a new pack, right? Oh wait, he's taking teens who hated their life and guiding them as werewolves? So the soft side behind that sexy angered look starts to show...we know there's some fluff to ya Derek. Bad on the outside, soft on the inside, shirtless as often as possible? Yes on all three! Marry me.

Isaac: The Hurt Soul 
Isaac's past is so brutal that you can't wait for him to become friends with, well, anyone. His brotherly relationship with Derek is so adorable that it hurts, mainly because Isaac deserves a guiding figure after all of his family battles. And let me just say, Isaac is a very close second to Derek. Very. Very. He doesn't smile too often, but when he does, you just want to jump up and down on the couch and scream, "Yes Isaac! YOU DESERVE THIS MOMET OF HAPPINESS!" And just a warning to those who haven't watched Season 3 Episode 4: It's hard to concentrate on anything Isaac says because you're too busy thinking about what you'd do to/with him if you saw him walking down the street in that cardigan. And I say again, yum.

Oh yeah, and then there's this other reason to watch: 
I mean, seasons one and two are on Netflix and all of season three so far is on I would really suggest either spending all day watching from start to finish, or if you're already a fan, just watching it all over again. After writing this that's kind of what I want to do...

So, This is Me..

Hi online world,

So, this is my first go at a blog! I'm just a twelve-year-old heart stuck in a 21-year-old body. And I say that because when I like something, I LOVE it, like so much that it entirely consumes my mind and I want to talk about it all the time, and all of my co-workers say, "you're twelve". But I've come to realize that there are a lot of fanatics out there like me, some boys but let's be real it's mostly girls (but if you're a boy and you're reading this and openly obsess over things then I already have a crush on you).
So the point of my blog is to write about and discuss things that I love so much it hurts. On this blog you'll probably see a lot about alternative music (but sometimes my pop side will show), TV shows and movies, superheroes, HARRY POTTER, maybe a little bit about clothes...anything that lots of people are a fan of and sometimes it starts to feel like a problem!
Oh yeah, and I love the Lakers. Actually hold on, I don't know if there's a word powerful enough for my feelings on the Lakers, but "love" is the closest I can get. Kobe. Kobe. Kobe. No I'm not even gonna start right now! The Lakers basically control my entire life, so I'm gonna try to spend more time on everything else and less on them in this space...but even while I'm trying, I'm sure little pieces on the Lakers will appear fairly often. So beware. If you're prepared to assault my team via social media then prepare for the She-Hulk known as ME as well.